The Voice & Piano Studio of…
Sarah Bucher
Hey Singers!
Are you ready to…
- Learn new things
- Make sounds you never have before (in a good way)
- Sing unfamiliar genres along your quest to find your voice
- Commit to the process…work hard (practice) and make progress
- Gain confidence and perform…share your voice with more than your car or shower!
If you answered yes to any of these…
So You Wanna…
Play Piano
- Have you always wanted to learn to play piano? – It’s NEVER too late!
- Are you responsible for someone ready to start their musical journey?
- Are you coming back to piano after a short (or long) break?
- Do you know your way around the piano a bit, but need help with theory, technique, or broadening your repertoire?
- Can you commit to the process and the practice?
If you answered yes to any of these questions…
Studio Memberships
Ready to unlock your talents with Bella Musica?
Choose the membership level that fits your needs and get on my schedule!
Successful Performance Indicators
Successful Performance Indicators How do I know when my students have had a successful performance? Here are some indicators and things to look for from successful performances: Self-acknowledgement of a job well-done I know that a performance was a success [...]
Interlude: When Music Lessons Take a Pause
Interlude: When Music Lessons Take a Pause - What do you do when there's an interlude and your music lessons take a pause? How can you stay musically motivated and moving forward on your own? Sometimes there are seasons of [...]
Ditching the Master-Apprentice Model
Ditching the Master-Apprentice Model Ditching the Master-Apprentice Model - I'm here for it! The independent music lesson industry, specifically in the area of voice, is globally making a shift away from a master-apprentice philosophy of teaching. Yes, teachers have education [...]