Read Sarah’s thoughts on all things voice and piano – from the practical to the philosophical, there’s something for everyone to ponder!

  • confidence picture
    3.5 min readPublished On: May 13, 2024

    A Hidden Goal of Studying Music - CONFIDENCE Often a hidden goal of studying music is confidence.  It's hidden because it is often [...]

  • good musician blog
    3.3 min readPublished On: March 9, 2024

    What makes a good musician? A good musician is so much more than their ability and aptitude for making music.  A good musician [...]

  • Those Who Can't Do Teach
    5.4 min readPublished On: January 24, 2024

    Those who can’t do, teach.  This phrase used to give me imposter syndrome….bad.   The obvious answer to the “why can’t they?” question this [...]

  • musician's balance
    5.3 min readPublished On: November 16, 2023

    Musicians should strive for balance. What is balance? This has been a buzz word for several years by now, but we hear it [...]

  • what is a performance
    2.6 min readPublished On: September 28, 2023

    What is a performance? Simply, a performance is something you do in front of others on purpose.  More specifically for our purposes, it [...]

  • 2.9 min readPublished On: July 22, 2022

    The NATS National Conference did not disappoint!  Conferences are equal parts exhausting and exhilarating.  It's great for me to get away and [...]

  • Eater Bunny
    4.1 min readPublished On: April 20, 2022

    Is the Perfect Performance as elusive as the Easter Bunny? After a recent performance experience I had, that went really well, actually [...]

  • studio class ites
    3.4 min readPublished On: February 26, 2022

    Important Impact of Group Learning Why is group learning an important part of music education? One-on-one lessons are a great way to [...]

  • Musical Mindfulness
    3.1 min readPublished On: January 27, 2022

    Slowing down…I think one of the latest buzz words floating around out there is mindfulness - the quality or state of being [...]

  • teaching Christmas songs
    3 min readPublished On: November 19, 2021

    I love teaching Christmas Music!  Christmas Music is like a microcosm of all the musical time-periods and genres in one neat package!  [...]