Successful Performance Indicators
How do I know when my students have had a successful performance?
Here are some indicators and things to look for from successful performances:
- Self-acknowledgement of a job well-done
I know that a performance was a success when students recognize that they did an ok job. “Ok” is usually the highest praise they will give themselves because they are such perfectionists, but it translates to “I think my studying and practicing are paying off.” And “ok” to them is usually “great” to everyone else.
- Feeling inspired
Another sign of success is that students come to their next lesson ready and excited for the next step. Being able to critically analyze their performance and observe how they did, both informs and inspires them to continue to grow and practice. They are positioned to take their artistry to the next level.
- Praise from folks in the biz
When my colleagues give high praise, I know it was a great event! As music teachers, we love to analyze performers and talk about it with each other. And we aren’t afraid to be honest – kind, but honest.
- Ready for more
Finally, when those that performed are not only willing to participate in the next performance opportunity, but are looking forward to it, then you know it was a success. People usually only want to put themselves out there and do something again, if it was a success on some level the first time they tried.
A Case Study in finding these four indicators…
I got the opportunity to witness all of these indicators in action at last Friday night’s Open Mic event at Bock Family Brewing. This was a master class in a successfully entertaining evening for both the performers and the audience alike.
The atmosphere of Bock Family Brewing feels a little like the old show Cheers – not in its physical structure, but in how the staff makes you feel. It’s a friendly place, where they may not know your name, but they make you feel like they do. It’s very familiar and comfortable. It’s not too dark, not too bright. The atmosphere was just right for our first ever “Open Mic.”
Six courageous vocal students took the stage, or rather the carpet square, and entertained the whole place for the better part of two hours. There was a great variety of music performed, including: folk, blue grass, country, pop, soft rock, and musical theater. Students sang to accompaniment provided by either myself, fellow studio members, backing tracks, or an added layer – they self-accompanied. There were several students that played and sang! Instruments that students played included piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and acoustic bass. The variety of talent and styles makes my job so interesting and fun!
The casual setting and the impromptu way in which the “program” was put together was a nice contrast to a traditional recital setting and seemed appropriate for the styles and genres that were shared. There was no printed program. I had a list of who was performing and what they were prepared to do, and then I just walked around and told them when they were next. So, in that way it had the feel of an open-mic night. But, the preparedness of the singers gave the event a level of professionalism that was appreciated by all.
So, was it a success?
Let’s check the indicators:
- Self-acknowledgement of a job well-done
After our two-hour time slot, a few students came up to me and said that they were glad they did it and, even though they were nervous, were proud of how they sang.
- Feeling inspired
Some mentioned at the event and others at their lesson the following week, that they already have some thoughts about what they want to prepare for the next performance. They are ready to take things to the next level with slightly harder challenges and leaning into their creativity.
- Praise from folks in the biz
Watching my colleagues’ faces as the students performed was enough for me. When jaws dropped one phrase into the start of a song or there was smiling during the whole song – these were signs to me that they were really enjoying it and truly happy for the performer. My colleagues had very positive and genuinely complimentary things to say about this group of singers. Also hearing the praises they were giving directly to the singers after their sets, was confirmation of success.
- Ready for more
Many of the performers have already put our next performance opportunity date on their calendars!
As a teacher, it is incredibly rewarding to witness both the performance and the journey behind it. So much effort, learning, and growth happen behind the scenes for each performer. What made Friday especially remarkable was that the audience had no idea which performer once believed they couldn’t sing because of a past discouragement or which one was already playing regular gigs and simply wanted to refine specific skills. Every performer at the brewery showcased their unique talent, put in dedicated work, and performed with confidence in their abilities.
Bravo to all who performed – it was a successful performance!
For other types of studio performance opportunities, head over to our studio performance page.
If you are interested in voice or piano lessons and are ready to find out all the details. Hope on over to our Memberships page and choose the one that fits you! And if you aren’t sure what you need, let’s figure it out!